For many office managers, asset managers, and facilities managers, package tracking has become an integral part of your daily workflow. However, if your team has been stuck in an antiquated package tracking routine, you may want to think about investing in a full-service solution designed to save you time, money, and manpower. Thankfully, our comprehensive facilities management software solution, Intra, may just be the perfect fit. With over a quarter-century of experience in the in-building logistics realm and a dedication to innovation, our team is constantly improving our offerings to keep your business ahead of the curve. If you’ve made the leap and implemented our package tracking software, you may be wondering about all of the capabilities Intra has. Here, our facilities management experts at SCLogic discuss a variety of options and opportunities that Intra provides to improve your daily workflows, assist in all aspects of package tracking and delivery, and ultimately improve revenue.
So often, dated package tracking solutions require excessive time spent for many departments, working to ensure that all packages have been accounted for, routes are correct, and delivery remains efficient. However, this is not always the case, and as issues in your inbound and outbound package process arise, managers and mailroom employees are the ones that suffer the most. Think about it, have you ever had one of those days where it feels like every task takes forever to complete? Packages are misdelivered or mislabeled, employees or students are waiting impatiently in line for their packages, and you are left frantically searching your mailroom or warehouse in an effort to subdue the many missteps that continue to occur. By implementing a comprehensive facilities management software solution like Intra, these woes fall to the wayside and are replaced with efficient and modern offerings to keep your facility running smoothly.
Intra offers complete oversight on chain-of-custody for packages of all sizes, allowing you to know exactly where your packages are and who they are with at all times. Additionally, through our integrations with organizations such as FedEx, UPS, and USPS, you have access to all packages that are expected at your facility in the coming days. For facilities with limited storage space, this allows your team to work proactively and remain organized so that as soon as your packages arrive, you have a system in place for expedited delivery. Speaking of delivery, you can streamline and improve your delivery process by automatically sending notifications of package arrival via email or text. For organizations with an emphasis on hybrid work hours, you may want to consider additional integrations such as smart lockers or self-service kiosks, allowing employees, staff, or students to pick up packages at their convenience outside of regular office hours.
The saying, “it takes a village”, is true in many sectors, facilities, and asset management included. Your team is your biggest asset, and after a year filled with uncertainty, your communication and teamwork have surely been tested. As life slowly returns to normal, you may have discovered gaps in your daily workflows that were exposed by the pandemic. Once you have obtained an innovative package tracking software such as Intra, your level of detailed oversight skyrockets. As a manager, this allows you to schedule employees as needed and plan for when large orders are set to arrive.
Additionally, this allows you to save budget by reducing the number of employees scheduled during slow periods. This also goes beyond daily or weekly tasks but provides data to showcase trends and patterns for your business or university. After having Intra for an extended period of time, you are able to determine seasonal changes for your business and how you can strategize accordingly. At SCLogic, we understand that each client has unique needs and pain points, which is why we’ve made it a priority to create customizable solutions. We work with you through every step of the implementation and integration process to help you discover any additional workflows that may be beneficial for your team.
In this age of technology, the influx of programs, applications, and tools for reporting seem never-ending. Companies now have the opportunity to create and implement detailed reports to monitor trends specific to their department, which in turn helps you improve long-term strategy and requests. Intra’s extensive reporting capabilities are the perfect addition to your package tracking software if you are in charge of monitoring KPIs (key progress indicators) and SLAs (service level agreements). When working with outside vendors, it is often the job of the mailroom, office, or asset managers to ensure that minimum requirements for all SLAs are being met. It also falls on you as a manager to maintain a designated level of service for your department. With Intra’s reporting insights, you will be able to determine if an outside vendor or department is exceeding in their SLA requirements, as well as falling short of their mark, helping you determine a proper course of action with tangible data to back it up.
Finally, all of these items come together to form a proposal for revenue increase in your department. For many large organizations and universities, mailroom and warehouse employees tend to get pushed to the side, with teams often having to figure out revenue increases on their own. Investing in modern software such as Intra may require some adjustment initially but will surely yield beneficial results long-term. A “one-stop-shop” for all of your facilities management and package tracking needs, Intra gives you all of the tools to expedite your daily processes, create a strategy for growth, improve daily workflows, and ultimately increase customer relations. All of these benefits come together through reporting, the perfect tool to show stakeholders in an effort to prove why revenue or budget increases are needed.
When it comes to facilities management software, we understand the choice can be difficult. You may not know where to start, you may be coming from an outdated package tracking method, or you may be worried about employee retention as you begin to incorporate more technology. Rest assured that our team here at SCLogic has thought through each concern and crafted a variety of solutions to counter. Whether you are new to the realm of modern package tracking or are just looking to explore your options, we are here to help! With a team of dedicated, passionate, and knowledgeable facilities management professionals, we’re with you through every step of the process. To see how our team here at SCLogic can assist you with your package tracking needs, email or schedule a demo with us today. We look forward to hearing from you!