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What Are the Top FM & Mail Certifications This Year?

March 29, 2022 5 Minute Read

The rise of alternative credentials and certifications has made a significant impact on the modern workforce, and in the FM and mail industry, these certifications are just as important, if not more important, than traditional learning initiatives. You might be wondering, where can I get these credentials, and how can I make sure they are legitimate? Well, certification and accelerated learning programs are more common than you think. Technology companies such as IBM and Microsoft have created their own skills-based courses, while CFM credentials for facilities managers give individuals an extra edge over competitors, and the National Association of College and University Mail Services (NACUMS), has adopted specific mail certifications for prospective employees. So, if you’re looking to level up your expertise in the mail and facilities management sector, our operations software experts at SCLogic are here to break down some of the most relevant and worthwhile certifications in the industry. 

Facilities Management Must-Have Courses

While getting certifications and additional credentials in the facilities management realm may not come to mind at first, having an edge above potential competitors and employees in your field provides a track for growth that separates you from the rest. Facilities management is already a niche industry respectively, and becoming an expert in certain areas of the FM field will be in high demand in the coming years. After being heavily affected by the pandemic, the FM sector is making a staggering comeback, with an expected CAGR of 12.6% from 2022-2032. Areas such as cloud-based facilities management and FM technology growth in the healthcare and education sectors will make up a large portion of the $200 billion services market expected in the U.S. by next year. The good news is, certifications are on the rise, and you can check out some of the ones we recommend the most below. 

IFMA’s Certified Facility Manager (CFM) Credential

The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) offers a Certified Facility Manager (CFM) credential program covering specific areas of growth in the FM sector. The CFM is a globally recognized credential that “showcases the mastery of your skills and knowledge across the entire FM body of knowledge.” Currently, there are close to 3,000 active CFMs, with 68% working at a manager or director level, with an average of a 55% salary increase. Facilities managers are expected to have around five years of experience before applying for this exam, and after passing, individuals can qualify as industry leaders in the following FM competencies.

  • Communication
  • Finance and Business
  • Operations and Maintenance
  • Performance and Quality
  • Risk Management
  • Occupancy and Human Factors
  • Project Management
  • Facility Information Management and Technology Management
  • Sustainability
  • Leadership and Strategy
  • Real Estate

 IFMA’s Facility Management Professional (FMP) Credential

Also under IFMA, the FMP, or Facility Management Professional certification, is a beginner-friendly version of the CFM certification for facility professionals looking to strengthen their hard and soft skills in facilities management. With over 12,000 FMPs worldwide, this credential provides you with the best practices for facilities management to help run your business efficiently and effectively, backed by valued study and increased credibility. Currently, the average IFMA credential results in more than a 40% increase in employee performance, which impacts your ability for internal growth and improves revenue for your company as a whole; now, that’s a win-win.

Mail Center Certifications for an Optimized & Modern Mailroom

Now we’re getting even more specific, and while it may be a little embarrassing, mailroom management gets us excited! Outside of facilities management certificates for those starting out in their FM career all the way to directors, mailroom managers also have the opportunity to gain certifications and additional credentials. While these are more industry-specific, they provide a significant advantage for mailroom workers as they navigate new technology and a post-pandemic mail workforce. Below are two of the most popular mail center certifications our team would recommend.

NPF USPS Professional Certification Courses

The National Postal Forum, or NPF, is the premier mailing and shipping conference that works directly with USPS to provide education and networking opportunities for those in the mail and parcel field. On the most time-consuming but most profitable end, NPF offers USPS Professional Certification Courses, including – 

  • Executive Mail Center Manager (EMCM)
  • Mail Design Professional (MDP)
  • Certified Direct Mail Professional 

 Each course is specified for individuals covering a variety of mail center jobs. The EMCM course assists with mail center management skills, helping individuals boost productivity and cut mailroom costs through topics such as Sales and Marketing, People Management, and Mail Center Safety and Security. For the MDP course, students will focus on optimizing postage costs through automation, with topics including Classes of Mail, Barcode Formats, Designing Automation Mail, and more. These courses are offered through the National Center for Employee Development (NCED), located in Norman, Oklahoma, as well as on-site at each yearly NPF conference.

Mail Systems Management Association (MSMA) CMDSM/CMDSS Certifications

Yeah, we know that title was a mouthful. Let’s break down these two MSMA certifications. To qualify for taking this exam, an individual must have been employed in the mail and facilities field for over five years, with a minimum of three years of management experience. The CMDSM/CMDSS, or Certified Mail and Distribution Systems Manager/Supplier, are generally for individuals who fall under the following job titles.  

  • Mail Services Management
  • Distribution, Messenger, Shipping, Receiving, or Fulfillment Manager and Supervisor
  • Administrative, Office Services, or Facilities Manager
  • Vendor or Consultant 

Continuing Education Courses Through Universities

If you are a recent post-grad, or just looking to expand your knowledge in the facilities management field, consider looking at continuing education programs in universities across the country. Many colleges offer both in-person and online course options, spanning only a few months for course completion. Not only can you get certifications in general facilities management but specified and high-growth areas, such as sustainability. For example, UCSD’s Extension Program offers Planning and Project Management for Facilities Managers, while NYU’s Professional Pathways offers continuing education certifications in Technology, Management, Electrical/HVAC, and more. Especially if you are a post-grad with a recent degree in a relevant field, expanding your education immediately after graduation can make the transition to the modern workforce easier and give you a leg up in applying to jobs beyond entry-level, giving substantial potential for expansion. 

Find Your FM Focus with SCLogic

If you’re looking at the beginning or expanding your career in facilities management, it can be difficult to know where to start. While facilities management has exponential benefits for career and industry growth, there is still a gap in employee retention amongst generations and what an efficient facility looks like with the influx of new technology. That is why we created our enterprise and higher education logistics software, Intra, to prioritize ease of use for all employees while focusing on modern features like a mobile-first interface and functional workgroups. As we move into the FM world of the future, investing in yourself, your skills, and your technical knowledge will be a surefire success strategy. To learn more about our product, Intra, email marketing@sclogic.com or schedule a demo with our team today.

Facility Management, Logistics Management
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