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Streamlining Operations with Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)

May 16, 2023 3 Minute Read

Have you struggled to track assets, leading to misplaced items? Have you been working reactively with asset maintenance, leading to longer downtimes and higher operational costs? Have you found gaps in asset audits, leading to compliance concerns? If any of this sounds familiar, you’re not alone! Without tools like enterprise asset management software, FMs cannot access the resources they need to streamline operations. Here, our EAM software specialists at SCLogic unpack enterprise asset management, the benefits of EAM software for your business, and what to look for when choosing the best platform for you.

What is Enterprise Asset Management?

Enterprise asset management, commonly known as EAM, is a collection of software, systems, and services used to maintain operational assets and equipment for your facility. EAM software is an essential digital transformation tool for facilities managers because it provides tools for use during the entirety of the asset lifecycle, from initial purchase through disposal or, more simply, from cradle to grave. As enterprise assets become increasingly complex, being able to monitor and analyze touchpoints through your team’s unique asset lifecycles brings unparalleled support.

How is EAM Different From Other Operations Software?

If there is one thing about operations software that will always be a challenge, it’s remembering acronyms! EAM, CMMS, ERP, and the list goes on. So, how does EAM software differ from these, and how can these systems be incorporated to create a comprehensive facilities management solution?

Difference in Scope

First, the scope of operations differs for these systems. CMMS, or computerized maintenance management systems, refers to software that centralizes maintenance information for your team. In comparison to EAM, CMMS has a smaller scope, mostly focusing on day-to-day maintenance management and tracking. EAM covers a much wider range of the asset lifecycle, including deployment, management, maintenance, and retirement.

Integration Capabilities

When choosing new platforms, a non-negotiable for us is integration capabilities, and we believe this should go for our customers as well. When comparing software, EAMs are built for integration, which is why we chose to offer an EAM solution! Integrating EAMs with CMMS and ERP systems only enhances visibility for your team. However, working with a platform over endless point solutions is always preferable, which is why we recommend integrating with an ERP system first. With Intra, you have the capabilities of a CMMS and EAM platform in one system, streamlining operations through one seamless application. Intra is also created on an open API, meaning our software can integrate with almost any system you have in place.

Why Implement EAM Software in Your Facility?

There are so many benefits to implementing EAM software into your facility; where do we even start? First, EAM software plays a huge role in optimizing maintenance. Having a proactive maintenance strategy in place ensures that all assets are working properly prior to breakdown. Gather metrics like time between failure and time to repair, as well as having an automated maintenance schedule so you never miss a beat.

Additionally, EAM software provides insights, analytics, and organization for managers and directors. Optimize task management for your FM team, gather real-time visibility into asset statuses, and streamline inspections and audits to exceed compliance standards and safety protocols. Finally, implementing EAM software gives you data-driven insights to create a strategy-backed plan. As a result, your team can analyze asset performance, easily identify gaps in your daily workflows, and optimize resource allocation by better understanding under and over-utilized assets and the costs associated with labor and downtime.

Automate Your Asset Management with Intra

When beginning the digital transformation process for your facility, creating a strategy that works best for your team’s unique needs is top priority. Every facility is different, and each industry has workflows catered to their needs. Our job is to help you automate your most tedious tasks, streamline taxing processes, and generate revenue. EAM software like Intra is just one part of our comprehensive facilities management system, built with a solution-first mindset. To learn more about our asset logistics offerings, email marketing@sclogic.com or schedule a demo with our team today.

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